Prepping – Survive The Wrath Surviving Great Tribulation Sat, 18 Feb 2023 18:06:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 171948553 How To Render Animal Fat Sat, 18 Feb 2023 17:59:29 +0000 Purpose & Use Of Fat Rendering

There are several uses for animal fat, so before you decide to pitch it consider to re-purpose it. Each animal has a different type of fat that have different smoke points. I personally am not a beef farmer or a homesteader, however, I am a deer hunter and render the tallow from my harvests. As little as it may seem, I do reuse it for cooking by adding it to deer burger. It helps keep the lean burger together while cooking, and also for candles and a backup fuel for fire starters.

Sources For Fat Rendering

Beef fat is called tallow and pig fat is called lard. Poultry fat is too soft to be used by itself, but it may be used in a ratio of about 10% with tallow or lard. Bear fat may also be used but it must be melted (rendered) quickly after the bear has been killed because bear fat will quickly become rancid. You may also use the fat from farm animals such as sheep or goats, and a variety of wild animals, such as beaver, opossum, raccoon, and groundhog. If there is any lean meat still attached to the fat, cut it off and make sure you only use the fat to make grease.


Types of Fat from a Pig

Belly:  This is what’s used to make bacon. As its name suggests, it comes from the belly of the pig and has layers of fat and meat. Pork belly has become popular in recent years in a variety of cuisine. You typically wouldn’t render the belly into lard because there is too much meat attached.

Fatback: This comes from the back of the pig, includes the shoulder and rump areas, and is the thick layer of fat directly underneath the skin.  Once rendered it produces a lard that’s slightly yellow in color and it has a stronger pork odor and flavor than leaf fat. It’s great for frying or sauteing. Fatback is also what’s used in sausage-making.

Steps For Rendering Fat

Melting animal fat is called rendering. Rendering should be done outdoors or in a well ventilated area. The smell of melting animal fat will make most people nauseous. Cut the animal fat into small pieces about one-inch cubed and put them into a pot with about 1/8 inch of rainwater and cook over low to medium heat.
Gradually add the fat to the pot and stir to keep the hot grease and solid pieces of fat circulating. As you stir be sure to scrape the bottom of the pot to prevent any fat from sticking to the bottom and burning. Do not burn the fat or allow it to smoke. If it starts to smoke then you are applying too much heat and you are burning the fat or grease.

Dutch Oven

Measure the amount of used cooking grease (or used cooking oil) and put it into a cook pot. Add an equal amount of water to the cook pot. Measure another one-half the original amount of water and set it aside for later. Add one tablespoon of salt to the cook pot. Bring the mixture to a boil inside the pot. Turn off the heat. Then gradually pour the cold water you previously set aside into the hot mixture.
The mixture will begin to separate into three layers as follows:

  1. pure fat on top,
  2. fat mixed with impurities in the middle
  3. water on the bottom.

    Carefully ladle the top layer of pure fat into a clean container and save it for future use. Discard the bottom two layers. Label the container with the type of grease that it contains (pork lard, beef tallow, cooking oil, etc.)

You can render lard in a heavy pot (Dutch oven is perfect) in the oven between 225-250 degrees F, on the stove top over low heat (start at “2” and once it begins melting turn it down to “1”) or in a crock pot on LOW. Whichever method you choose, just remember that if you’re wanting a neutral flavor for using in pastries and pie crusts, cook it over very low heat, otherwise your lard will have a much stronger, “piggy” flavor (which is still fine for things like frying and sauteing where you want to add a little flavor boost).

Fat Rendering Yields

One pound of fat will yield about 2¼ cups of grease. Most of the fat will melt into a liquid but some small solid particles will not melt and these are called cracklings. After melting the fat, allow it to cool slightly, and then strain it through a clean thin cloth and store it in a sealed container until it is needed. The cracklings will be on the top surface of the straining cloth. Save the delicious cracklings for use in other cooking recipes.

Note: Raw animal fat can quickly become rancid. Therefore raw animal fat should not be saved and then converted into grease at some future date. The best procedure is to render animal fat into grease while the fat is still fresh. Rendered animal fat has a much longer storage life than raw animal fat.

Storing Rendered Fat & Lard

Lard was used and stored for centuries before refrigeration was invented. It will keep at room temperature for a long time (traditionally many kept it for up to a year).  Nevertheless, today most recommend storing it in the fridge.  It’s your call.  In the fridge it will keep for at least 6 months and up to a year also and many say it’s less likely to get rancid in the fridge.  I’ve heard of many people keeping it for even longer than a year in the fridge. Lard can be kept almost indefinitely and what determines if it’s still good is its smell:  If it starts smelling rancid, throw it out and make another batch.

For longer storage lard can also be frozen.  Freeze it in bars, in cubes, in tablespoon amounts, in tubs (slicing off what you need, no need to thaw), whatever you prefer.  Lard can also be frozen in glass jars once the fat has solidified at room temperature.

It is best to only freeze it once though, not thaw and re-freeze

6 Trees Preppers Should Know Tue, 04 Oct 2022 23:02:46 +0000 During the Great Tribulation, an Angel will sound a trumpet and hail mingled with fire will burn thousands of trees. The only sure way to survive God’s wrath is to get saved and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Salvation prayer

Revelation 8:7 7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

“Living in the open in this way, and making friends of the trees, the streams, the mountains, and the stars, gives a scout a great deal of confidence and makes him love the natural life around him. To be able to tell the difference between the trees by their bark and leaves is a source of pleasure; to be able to make a bed out of rough timber or weave a mattress or mat out of grass to sleep on is a joy. And all of these things a good scout should know.” –Boy Scouts Handbook,
First Edition, 1911

Being able to identify trees can not only be a source of pleasure, as the first Boy Scouts Handbookopined, but a matter of survival. If you become lost in the woods, trees are an abundant and easy-to-utilize resource, and can be used in a variety of ways, including as food, shelter, cordage, and materials for fire-starting and tool-making.

Below we discuss how to identify six trees that are particularly useful in survival scenarios, and the different ways they can be employed to keep you alive. Keep in mind that because many trees drop their leaves in the fall, it’s important to be able to identify them by both their leaves and buds, and their bark.

White Birch (Paper Birch)

White birch is easy to identify with its distinctive, white, papery bark. The sycamore tree also has white bark, but it does not sluff off in thin, paper-like furls like the white birch. The sycamore also has large hand-shaped leaves versus the white birch’s smaller, oval-shaped leaves with a pointed tip. The birch leaf is also irregularly toothed. These grow almost exclusively in northern climates.

White birch Survival Uses:

  • Sweet drinkable sap that does not need purification.
  • Containers can be fashioned from the bark (and even canoes – hence the nickname “canoe birch”).
  • Its papery bark makes some of the finest fire-starting tinder on the planet, which will light even when damp because of its resinous quality.
  • A fine tea can be made from the small twigs at the end of a branch or by shaving the bark from new growth. Toss a palm full of these elements into boiling water for a fresh, wintergreen-flavored tea.
  • The tinder fungus (chaga — a variety of mushroom that grows on the tree bark) grows almost
  • exclusively on the white birch tree. The fungus is one of the only natural materials I know of that will take the spark from flint and steel. A piece of tinder fungus along with flint and pyrite to
  • create sparks were even found on Otzi, the “iceman” who was uncovered in the Austrian Alps several years ago.
  • Pine tar can be extracted from the bark of the white birch by heating it over a fire. Pine tar makes an excellent natural adhesive, which indigenous peoples used for all kinds of purposes including securing stone points on arrows

American Basswood

American Basswood Tree

The American basswood (also called American linden) is a very common tree – especially in the eastern U.S. It prefers moist soil and is often found by creeks, streams, and ponds. It likes to grow several shoots from the base so it’s not uncommon to see the basswood growing in what appears to be clumps. Basswood trees have large, heart-shaped, coarsely-toothed leaves and dark red young leaf buds. One of the most distinctive features of the basswood is what I call the “tongue.”
A tongue-shaped leaf (the small, light green leaf in the picture above) grows at the base of the regular heart-shaped leaves on mature trees. Hard, little, nut-like fruits dangle from the center of this “tongue” leaf throughout the summer.

Basswood Survival Uses:

  • Delicious edible leaves – especially in spring.
  • “Bass” comes from the word “bast,” which is an old word for rope. The inner fibers from the basswood make some of the best natural cordage on the planet. In one of my wilderness courses, two adult men could not break a 1/2″ thick strip of basswood bark.
  • Basswood is my favorite wood to use in fire by friction setups. It is soft and makes a perfect friction firewood for bow drill spindles and hearthboards and for hand drill hearthboards.
  • Basswood is preferred by most wood carvers and chainsaw carvers because of how easy it is to work and carve.
  • Inner bark layer is edible and can be scraped off with the edge of your knife. It has a very sweet flavor.

White Pine

White Pine Tree

The leaves of the white pine grow in batches of five needles. Every fall the white pine loses all of its needles, except those that grew that year. Pine is an evergreen; evergreen trees keep some green leaves year-round, unlike deciduous trees, and have needle-like leaves. They also produce cones (pine cones) instead of flowers.

White Pine Survival Uses:

  • Resin can be used as a fire extender when mixed with tinder material. Resin can be heated and mixed with crushed charcoal to make a natural epoxy.
  • Resin-rich joints and stump pieces make incredible fire kindling.
  • Make pine needle tea from the green pine needles – very rich in Vitamin C.
  • Inner bark layers are edible.
  • Harvest pine nuts from the pine cones.
  • Pine needles make excellent fire tinder.
  • Pine needles make excellent natural insulation material for debris huts and survival shelters.
  • Green pine boughs are perfect for lean-to shelter roofs.
  • Green pine boughs are great for making a bed to protect from the cold ground or snow.
  • The lower, dry, dead branches of the pine tree (squaw wood) is often some of the driest fire
  • kindling available. It is exposed to the wind and also protected from the elements by the year-round needle canopy above. I’ve also used these branches for making bow drill fire friction sets.
  • Very effective candles and lamps can be made from pine resin.
  • Pine resin can be used to waterproof seams in clothing or crude containers.
  • The very pliable surface layer roots make excellent (and strong) natural cordage. Use as a whole or split into smaller pieces.

White Oak

White Oak Leaves

White oaks have rounded leaf lobes instead of pointed ones like red oaks. Contrary to popular belief, acorns are edible. I like white oak acorns better because it seems they are less bitter and it takes less effort to leach out the tannic acid (which causes this bitterness) to become more palatable. An abundance of acorns in mid-summer makes the oak family almost impossible to misidentify. Oaks are some of the largest trees in the forest; I have many white oaks at Willow Haven that are over 100 feet tall and easily 3-4 feet in diameter.

White Oak Survival Uses:

  • Acorns (after leaching out the tannic acid) can be ground and used as flour to make acorn bread.
  • Tannic acid (which can be extracted by boiling or leaching acorns and/or inner oak bark and twigs) is anti-bacterial. I’ve used it as an antiseptic wash before and have heard of it being used to quell diarrhea.
  • Acorns can be used as trap bait for squirrel and other small game animals.
  • Can tan leather using the tannic acid found in bark, acorns, and wood.
  • Oak is a very hard wood that is good for ax handles, digging sticks, and shelter frameworks.
  • When dried, the white oak flowers make suitable tinder bundles and can be found in great abundance certain times of the year.

Sugar Maple

The sugar maple is one of my favorite trees and probably one of the most abundant in the Eastern woodlands. Its beauty is on full display when the leaves change each fall into bursts of red, orange, and yellow. The leaves usually have five lobes, and the tips are pointed. Young maples have smooth silvery bark. The unmistakable “winged helicopter” seeds are a tell-tale maple tree indicator. The sugar maple is the source for maple syrup; this tree is preferred because its sap has high sugar content. It takes 40 gallons of sugar maple sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup.

Sugar Maple Survival Uses:

  • In late winter/early spring when the sap is running, the sugar maple is an excellent source of drinkable water (sap) that needs no purification. Maple sap is nature’s version of an energy drink – rich in sugar and nutrients. I’ve filled a 1-liter canteen in as few as 15 minutes before. Maples don’t have fully developed (or any) leaves during this time of year – hence the importance of being able to identify in all four seasons.
  • The seeds inside the little helicopters are edible, just like edamame. I just boil them and lightly salt. They can also be fried or added to stews. Remove the outer helicopter.
  • I almost always use maple branches for wilderness cooking. Whether it’s a spit roast, a hot dog stick, or utensils, I can always find a maple branch suitable for the task. Maple branches naturally have a lot of forks, which is great for pot holders and other wilderness kitchen uses. I also use the leaves to wrap fish or other small game animals when cooling in an earth oven. Young maple leaves are also edible. Toss them into a salad or boil them down with other spring greens. They get bitter and rough as they mature.

Willow Tree


There are tons of different willow varieties, but every willow I’ve seen has a similar leaf shape.
The leaves are narrow, lance-shaped, and grow in great numbers along the branches.
Willows must be in moist areas to survive. If you’ve found a willow, then there is a water source nearby.

Willow survival uses:

  • Willow bark contains a chemical called salicin, which is similar to aspirin. I can personally attest to its effectiveness in relieving headaches and inflammation. Just chew on a few small green twigs and swallow the juices.
  • In spring and summer, willow bark will peel away from the wood and makes excellent cordage that can be used for a huge variety of tasks.
  • Young willow branches and saplings are very flexible and can be used to weave a variety of different baskets and funnel traps.
  • I’ve used dried willow wood on many occasions for friction fire sets – both hand drill and bow drill.
  • Willow saplings make excellent frog and fish gigs.
55 Preparedness Items To Store For A Disaster Tue, 04 Oct 2022 22:09:25 +0000 There is only one sure way to be prepared, and that is accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour. This salvation is a gift from God and is 100% free.

Salvation Prayer

If you are not saved and the rapture takes place, you will be hard pressed to get the supplies you need during the times to come. The time to start preparing is now. There will be a major shortage of supplies when a catastrophe hits and the trucks aren’t refilling the stores.

There are many survival items that you can store now, and “forget” about, which you may need later during varying degrees of an emergency. The following are 55 suggested items that you can store and have ready.

  1. Toilet paper, and other sanitation items such as feminine hygiene products, diapers for infants, etc. These are items that should be mass stored if possible.
  2. Paper Towels. Too many uses to mention, store as many as you can.
  3. Coffee filters. For those drinkers of coffee of course, but these are excellent filters for many other purposes.
  4. Trash bags. All sizes. You can also store many free plastic grocery bags from the store every time you get them after shopping. Important for bagging up refuse and preventing disease.
  5. Zip type plastic freezer bags.
  6. Ice coolers, various sizes. If you have room, can be used to keep things cool or cold, but also used to keep items from freezing in very cold weather.
  7. Shovels. All sizes from small garden type to those used for digging. Very important to have after a disaster.
  8. Kitchen items. Sponges and other scratchy pads. You are likely not going to have a dishwasher after a disaster and you have to have some means of cleaning pots, pans, dishes.
  9. Cotton balls. First aid uses, putting cotton in ears of people that need their ears protected from the cold, etc.
  10. Paper to write on. This includes note pads, index cards.
  11. Pens and pencils, especially the click pencil type that don’t need a sharpener.
  12. Rubber bands. This also includes hair bands. Used to keep items organized and from flying apart.
  13. Tape. All kinds from duct, masking, electric, to scotch. Many uses.
  14. Hand sewing materials. Threads, needles, buttons, zippers, you are going to need them.
  15. Matches. Keep them dry and store lots of them.
  16. Salt. You won’t believe in certain areas how hard it is to get this necessary mineral for survival. Store as much as you can.
  17. Aluminum foil. Good for cooking and many other uses.
  18. Candles. All sizes. Not only for light at night but can be used to heat small items up in small cookware.
  19. Hand operated can openers. Without many of these you will have a bad time trying to get your canned food out.
  20. Basic Tools. This includes hammers, screwdrivers, saws, axes, utility knives, scissors. Anything extra that you can store from your toolbox.
  21. Small hardware. Nails, screws, hooks, wires, etc. Store in clear jars with lids or in original packages.
  22. 5- or 6-gallon plastic gas containers. Can be used for gas or other fuels as well as for water that are durable.
  23. Magnifying glasses. Use to see small items, main use to start fire if matches are wet or out of them.
  24. Envelopes. All sizes for storage. Smaller for seeds you can get from the wild as one example. Tough postal envelopes are also good for storage after a disaster.
  25. Empty boxes. You are really going to need this if you have to suddenly move somewhere quick for clothes and other items. Many grocery stores will give you free fruit boxes that are sturdy and have lids. Also, large plastic boxes with lids. Try to store empty boxes within the empty spaces of each other.
  26. Shoelaces. Many people have shoes that are still wearable and need shoelaces. Shoelaces are also good for tying off material with other purposes.
  27. Paper plates, plastic eating utensils, disposable drinking glasses and cups. IF you can store enough, excellent way to save your soap supplies by not having to wash the dishes.
  28. Bedding. Blankets, sheets, pillows, pillowcases. Just because you are in emergency does not mean you have to live like a refuge.
  29. Bathroom towels. All sizes from hand to bath. You will be very grateful to be able to dry yourself off with something you are used to.
  30. Fishing line and string. Lots of uses.
  31. Nylon rope, cord, clothes lines. Do not be without.
  32. Dental needs. Toothbrushes, dental floss. Even without toothpaste you can still keep your teeth healthy.
  33. Q-tips. Not only personal use but uses for fine detailed work.
  34. Honey. Lasts practically forever and a good sweetener for many foods.
  35. Spray bottles. Use to disperse insect repellent as one of many uses.
  36. First aid kit. Most items such as bandages, gauze, tweezers, nail clippers, scissors, wrapping tape, etc. can be stored without rotating.
  37. Newspaper. Yes, newspaper for starting fires, wrapping delicate items, insulation. Keep dry and preferably in sealed boxes.
  38. Safety pins. Fastening of almost anything that has broken. Bobby pins also good.
  39. Cheap plastic sunglasses. You will really need to protect your eyes after an emergency, glare is something that people forget about if they have to be outdoors for extended periods of time.
  40. Hats. One size fits all baseball type caps, scarfs, ski caps. A lot of heat is lost through an uncovered head, also sunburn.
  41. Gloves. So important from keeping hands warm to protection of your hands from hazards such as broken glass.
  42. Extra clothes that you will not wear other than after a disaster. Don’t forget the extra comfortable shoes, socks, underwear, warm jackets.
  43. Small handheld mirrors. For signaling but also for personal grooming and seeing what your eyes can’t without a mirror.
  44. Cloth grocery bags with handles. A very good way of collecting usable things such as food from the wild.
  45. Stapler with plenty of staples. Also, paper clips to seal off small items and fastening paper. Your package of survival seeds as for example.
  46. Electric extension cords. You may actually still have electricity from some source such as a generator. Can be used as a substitute for light duty style rope also.
  47. Brushes. From nail, paint, to hairbrushes. One good use for a hairbrush is removal of ticks, fleas, burrs, from clothing.
  48. Measurement devices. Tape measures, rulers, very important to know distances, how big, how small something is rather than guessing.
  49. Games. Boredom is awful, and a simple deck of cards, board games, something to take up time if confined after an emergency.
  50. Books. Anything that will give you information and instructions on survival, cooking, plant identification, map books. Your bookcase may not be around after a disaster, store information you will need someday.
  51. Wind up clocks and watches. Your battery operates clocks and watches or other time telling instruments are someday not going to work. Wind up clock better than using a sundial.
  52. Snap top plastic containers. Ziploc, Tupperware, anything that can air seal something. All sizes.
  53. Stick on notes. Use to label what you have after the disaster. Secure it better with scotch tape if you want.
  54. Money. If you can store it somewhere and forget about it and not spend it other than in emergency. Cash money may be the only way to buy anything after a disaster that has not taken out the monetary system.
  55. Plastic tarps. Many sizes and inexpensive. Cannot emphasize how many uses these have and can be folded up and stored in smaller spaces.
Do You Need to Start Prepping & How to Get Started Mon, 26 Sep 2022 00:14:09 +0000 Should I Start Prepping?

There are several reasons to get started prepping if only for a natural disaster. After all, severe weather can hit anywhere in the United States. So, the age-old question can only be answered one way. Yes, you should be prepping. When I was only seven years old, my mother was canning from the garden and putting food in the cabinets for any unknown situation that may occur. I mean, everyone is secure in their jobs until they lose it. I started prepping in 2012 and am going pretty good at it. When I lost my job is 2016, the food I had and some necessities I needed came in handy at that time. Although I hated digging into my preps, I’m glad they were there. The question is, what are you preparing for? Everyone should be preparing for an emergency such as a natural disaster at minimum.

Sept. 2017

What are we preparing for? What Should I Prepare For?

Revelation 13:15-18 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Everyone should be prepared for a natural disaster, but the focus on this site is for the unbelievers that are left behind from the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. If you are left behind, you need to realize that mid-tribulation the Antichrist will require you to take a mark to be able to buy and sell. If you refuse, you will be beheaded if you are caught and a fugitive on the run if you are not.

When it comes to prepping, the best thing you can do is keep it simple. There is one thing about prepping everyone should know before they even get started and that is that prepping can become a rabbit hole really quick if you let it.

To break this down in simple steps to get started preparing, we will start with a seventy-two-hour prep that will help us get prepared for a natural disaster. The most likely thing to happen for in the short term is the power goes out for a few days. Trust me, this has happened locally a couple of winters ago and thing got a little on edge only a couple days in. One town was without water for several days and that starts to cause a panic really quick.

Getting Started

There are important factors to remember when prepping. It is better to look at prepping as a hobby and things you would like to have in case something catastrophic happens rather than preparing for the end of the world. Once you start down this path as mentioned above, it can get overwhelming and become a rabbit hole if you let it.

Start A Prepping Plan

The first step is to create a prepping plan and know what you are prepping for. There are all sorts of scenarios you could need to prep for, so don’t get overwhelmed by which one you are going to get ready for. A lot of the prepping you will do will cover many other scenarios.

My suggestion is getting a backpack or duffel bag. You are going to need something to hold the preps you will need for an emergency. Also think about anyone else in your family, they are all going to need a bag as well.

Prepare A 72 Hour Evacuation Bag

In case of an emergency that would require you to stay put for a few days or evacuate your home and not be able to return for a few days, you may have only enough time to grab the family and your evacuation bag.

Here is a list to help you get started and get you through the outage or until you reach your next location.

Remember, if you do not transfer this bag from your house to car every day, you will need to keep a bag in your car as well.


Water is the most essential element for survival. Without water, you will not survive for more than 3-4 days.

There are several ways to store water. For an emergency that requires you to stay put for a while, I recommend the water brick. each brick is enough water for one person for three days. The bricks stack nice and net for storage and are convenient for any emergency situation.

In case of an emergency that requires you to get out of the area quickly, it is more practical to pouch water in an emergency bag and even some purification tablets in case more water is needed on the go.


The next essential item on our list is of course food. Although you could go a very long time without food and still survive, it would be hard to maintain the energy you would need being on the go. The normal recommended calorie intake for a normal day with normal activity is 2000 calories. It is recommended to go much higher in a situation that requires much more activity such as walking long distances.

For the emergency scenario that requires you to stay put for a bit, the food buckets are the best way to go. I recommend one of these for each person to sustain them up to 30 days.

Once gain for the emergency that may require a road trip or the hiking option, the pouches are definitely the way to get you there. These are three servings, but I consider then to be two meals.

For a food ratio on the go for a long-distance hike, this bar is high calories and is recommended to get you through between meals or just a snack for when you are stuck in the basement for days and ran out of snickers. They will count for the calories, and they are as bland and dry as they look. What you think they taste like is accurate.

So far we have covered the basics, food and water. The following items are recommended for the emergency travel bag. The bag that you would grab if you had to evacuate your home or just a bag to keep in your car if you got stuck out and needed to walk home for a long distance to make your way home.

First Aid Kit

Don’t cheap out on the first aid kit, the last thing you want if you are out for any period of time is to get a cut that has the possibility to become infected. Your health must be sustained to make it to your destination.

Sportsman Grizzly First Aid Kit By Tender Corporation/adventure Medical Kits

The Recommended List Of Items To Complete Your Bug Out/Get Home Bag

Other Items Bug Out/Get Home Bag

  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothpaste/Brush
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Pocket Hand Warmers
  • Wool Blanket
  • Matches/Candles
  • Gloves
  • Radio
  • Rain Poncho

It is important to get a sturdy backpack to hold these items. I recommend a military surplus bag. They are usually still in good shape and are tested for quality and durability.

Stay tuned to this site as we write more articles that will help you get to the more advanced stages of prepping.

Basic Survival Tips Thu, 13 Feb 2020 01:57:10 +0000 If you have ever gone camping there is a chance that you got there, got setup and settled in and when you went to make dinner, turn the furnace on or went to get some water from the faucet and found something didn’t work. All the reason to be prepared for any situation.

Whether you are simply going camping at a commercial campground, taking a short hike, or backpacking into a state park wilderness area… be prepared. Never leave to chance those few articles that may become lifesavers. Above all, always let someone know your plans and when you plan to return.

The Essentials

Tips For Starting A Fire

If you’ve gone camping and the gas has ran out or the stove has failed to light, here are some basic fire starting tips to help the already frustrating situation.

  • When starting a fire find dry wood.
  • Use the inner bark of trees.
  • Look for dead branches at the bottom of fir or pine trees, these branches are dead from lack of sunlight and usually dry due to protection from branches above.
  • Start the fire with small tinder and work your way up slowly increasing it in size.
  • Take small branches and shred then with a knife or your fingers.
  • You can use dead grass, bird’s nests, wasp nests (unoccupied of course), inner bark from dead trees, or a strip of cloth from the tail of your shirt.
  • Anything that will ignite quickly.
  • Place this in the center. Around this, build a Tepee of small dry twigs.
  • Once this is burning, slowly feed your fire with larger and larger pieces of wood. Do not let it go out.

Tips For Building A Shelter

Note: Don’t make the mistake of building a large shelter.

  • Make a shelter just large enough to accommodate you. Especially on cold climates. The larger the shelter, the harder to heat.
  • Use materials at hand.
  • Dig out a pit and line it with a material to keep you off the bare ground. Use leaves, grass or pine bows.
  • Create an ‘A’ frame with a cross support and cover it with branches, brush and leaves to make resistant to water and wind.

Tips For Acquiring Water

Water is readily available in most areas. Treat all water as if it were contaminated. The last thing you need in a survival situation in a virus.

Campfire pot
  • Boil all water before use. Most organisms cannot survive during a 10 – 12 minute boiling.
  • Look ate the base of hills for water that may have settled at the base.
  • Look for birds and watch their flight patterns, they usually keep a water source in their path.
  • Create a solar still with a plastic bag.
  • Dig holes to catch rain water.
  • Dig into the bed of a dry creek, there may be water underground.

Find A Food Source

Although starving to death is a slow process and most people can endure 2 to 3 weeks without food and still survive, food should still be on the list of priorities to maintain our sanity and we will need the energy.

  • Fish can be food source if near a river or stream. Caught with a line and hook, spear, or trap.
  • Know your plants before eating them, Stay away from mushrooms and any plants with a milky sap.
  • Cattail, tree bark and acorns are preferred.
  • Look for fowl like ducks or geese, you could throw a rock in their midst and get luck to hit one and take it down. If not, look for their eggs they have left behind.

Signalling For Help

In the event that you are wanting to be rescued, follow these tips. The most important signal you have is your fire. Learn the skill of fire starting and practice it often.

Person Smoke Signal
  • Build your fire where it can be seen if you want to be found. Build on a hill top or in a clearing or on a lake shore.
  • During the daytime the smoke from your fire can be seen for many miles and in most wilderness areas there are fire watchers and rangers that investigate smoke sightings.
  • Both arms above your head indicate you need help.
  • One arm raised above your head indicates “No Assistance Required”
  • Signal mirrors, lids from a can, broken glass with one side coated with mud, a brightly colored jacket or shirt tied to a long stick can all be used to attract attention.

A List Of Items That Should Be Included In Your Basic Survival Kit

  1. Waterproof matches or a disposable lighter.
  2. Fire starter
  3. Rigid blade knife (Preferably serrated on one side of the blade) w/ sheath
  4. Folding saw
  5. Compass
  6. Map of the area you are in
  7. Signal mirror
  8. Flashlight
  9. Plastic tarp
  10. 50 to 100 feet of nylon cord (1/8 inch is adequate)
  11. First aid kit
  12. Full canteen
  13. Emergency food rations
  14. Water purification tablets/filter.
  15. Fish hooks and fishing line
  16. Police whistle
  17. Toilet paper
Effects Of A Nuclear Explosion Thu, 13 Feb 2020 01:15:00 +0000 Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

During great tribulation there will be a red war horse ridden that will take peace from the earth by starting what will be world war III.

The only way to better prepare for a nuclear strike is to better educate yourself on the effects of an explosion in your area. The size and the type of weapon are the primary factor when it comes to the effects of the weapon. The primary effects of a nuclear weapon are extreme heat, extreme light, blast and radiation.

If a nuclear weapon was ever detonated, there are only a couple of factors that would affect the devastating impact of the bomb. The terrain and the weather. Is the are hilly of flat? Is it raining, sunny, or windy?

There are three types of nuclear explosions. Air, Surface and Sub-Surface. Most nuclear weapons today are 1 megaton or less. 1 megaton = 1 million tons of TNT.

Explosions that are on the surface create a large amount of radioactive fallout that which most of it usually reaches the surface within the first 24 hours. The distance it travels depends on wind speed and direction, The amount is effected by the moisture and if it is raining. For example, during rainfall, the fallout would be minimal due to water particles forcing the radiation to the ground in a much more timely manner.

Fallout is the exploded debris from the earth that the radiation from the weapon condense onto and that debris falls back to the earth. Essentially it is contaminated earth.

The nuclear explosion from a one megaton bomb creates a 1/4 mile crater and about a 3/4 mile fire ball. Every structure within 1 3/4 mile is completely destroyed unless it is specifically designed for this type of attack. There is severe damage to industrial type buildings out to 3 miles. Moderate damage to industrial type buildings out to 5 miles and many fires started. Light damage all the way out to 7 miles and the potential for the fire to spread rapidly.

You can expect no residential buildings to survive out to the five mile mark. On a clear day, we can expect the fires to extend out to 8 miles.

What would happen to people?

Anyone within the five mile range would most likely be killed from the extreme heat and fires. The biggest threat from a nuclear weapon is the radioactive fallout. The proximity of the blast would be the primary factor on the effects of people.

Depending on the amount of radiation exposure, it would only take a couple of days for a person to lose energy and become very sick.

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

A nuclear explosion just above the earths surface could damage electrical or electronic components for thousands of miles. An electromagnetic pulse has no direct effect on living things. Basically anything plugged into a power source or has an antenna greater than 30 inches can be effected by an EMP. Solid state devices such as cell phones and television can be protected simply by unplugging them from a power source.

EMP charges are collected by basic conductors such as power lines, cables, antennas, and buried pipes.

Protection From Nuclear Fallout

If you are out of the area that is effected by the blast and fires, you may still need protection from the radiation fallout that follows a nuclear explosion.

There are three things to consider when taking action.

  1. Distance – The more distance you put between yourself and the fallout particles, the less radiation exposure you will have.
  2. Mass – You need a heavy mass material between you and the fallout particles. Concrete, bricks and earth absorb the gamma rays and give you protection.
  3. Time – er time the radioactive fallout loses its strength and it occurs rapidly.

The decay of the nuclear fallout is measured in roentgens by the 7/10 rule. For example, if the radiation intensity after detonation 1 hour is 1,000 (R), after seven hours pass in time there will be a decrease by one-tenth or 100 (R).

The best defense to to decrease the chance of radiation poisoning is to stay in a fallout shelter. The time required in the shelter depends on the amount of fallout deposited in your area and can range from two days to two weeks.

Fallout Shelters

FEMA states that there are fallout shelters in suburban and rural areas, but also state that you may want to build your own. Most basements need a lot of improvement to be used as a fallout shelter.

If any of the basement is above ground, you must and some sort of shielding material to the outside wall to provide the protection needed. An example is earth filled planters on the outside of the walls.

Improvised Shelter – If you have a large desk or table available, you can build an improvised shelter in case of an emergency. Place the desk or table into position first and then fill the drawers with the materials listed below. Just keep in mind the thickness of the materials and the weight of the materials needed so you do not collapse the desk or table in on yourself.

Shielding materials

  • 5 – 6 inches of brick
  • 6 inches of sand or gravel
  • 7 inches of earth
  • 8 inches of hollow concrete blocks (6 inches if filled with sand)
  • 10 inches of water
  • 14 inches of books or magazines
  • 18 inches of wood

If the ceiling of the shelter is made of wood or any other light weight material, be sure to reinforce it with one of the shielding materials listed above. Additionally be sure to shied off the entrance once everyone is inside.

With the current threats to America and the incompetence of the government, I would hope to get enough warning to get to my shelter let alone have to improvise one. If you have a space to prepare a shelter, the time to do it is now.

Look for other articles on our site for shelter living and items to store.

Final Word

Whether you are a believer or not, the Bible is unfolding right before your eyes. The players on the world stage are the same players listed in Ezekiel 38 and 39. No one knows how far we must go into the beginning of sorrows as Christians, but we need to be prepared in our hearts as much as we are prepared in our survival. Without God we do not survive in this world let alone in the next.


Preparing The Unsaved For The Great Tribulation Wed, 12 Feb 2020 01:17:49 +0000 Everyone of us may have a family member or two that just does not accept Jesus Christ as their saviour and there is a good chance they will get left behind in the Great Tribulation. If you are reading this and don’t know what the Great Tribulation is or what the Rapture of the Church is, there is another article covering those topics.

Every family get together I have, I try to get the Word of God out to my family and at least continue to plant the seeds so they may hopefully grow and turn their lives closer to the Lord. Unfortunately I feel some of them just are too conformed to this world and don’t want to let go of their sinful ways. So I have decided to start this website to help my family as well as other families that are believers to help their unbelieving family members have some hope for salvation before or during the Great Tribulation period.

The chances of getting saved after the Rapture of the Church is going to drop drastically for the unsaved gentile, the bible says there will be a strong delusion. God’s timeline will return to focusing on the Jewish people and the 144,000 will be preaching to through the world during the tribulation. The ones that get saved during the tribulation will get white robes and serve God in the Temple. They are the tribulation saints. The Church has already been Raptured.


The Moment Of the Rapture Of The Church

Everyone will notice when the Rapture takes place. For the believers in Christ, it will be the most glorious time to ever take place. For the unbelievers, it just may be the worst time that will ever take place for them. All of the sudden, millions of people disappear and whatever they were doing at the time will continue without them such as driving a car or cooking a meal. The chaos that erupts will effect everyone and the opportunity for a false messiah will be grabbed at that moment there will be a false since of peace and security sold to millions.

If a loved one is left behind to experience this, what will they have to get them home or to a place where they have supplies stored for them. Will they have a place with emergency supplies? If they are one of the millions driving a car at that time and happen to survive, will they have the gear and the knowledge to get home to the supplies that wait for them?

Storage Pantry

I have setup a hidden pantry at my house for this reason and my family members know about it. They have instruction to get to my house in case of any emergency that may come and there is a food and water supply waiting for them. I have started a YouTube channel to provide videos for them and instructions on how to use the supplies that are left for them.

We believers know what is going to happen during the tribulation period and we know the chances for survival are small. We are under no illusion. But if there is a chance to get one of my family members through the tribulation or to get them to realize they need to be saved now, I am going to continue to do what I am doing. The angels in heaven rejoice when each of us are saved. If I leave this information out there, God just may use it to lead someone to my stash and it may just be what is needed to accomplish a mission against the antichrist.

I have other articles posted that show what happens during the tribulation period when Jesus breaks the seals on the book and when God orders the angels to sound the trumpets of judgment and pour out the vials on the earth.

Sodom and Gomorrah

If you have a loved one and don’t want to see them have to go through hell on earth and be under that strong delusion of the antichrist, please share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and these articles so they may have a chance for real survival.

As true believers, we know the easiest way to survive the wrath of God is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and be taken as the bride of Christ in the Rapture of the Church.

Jesus Christ

God Bless and God Speed!

How To Start Prepping Wed, 12 Feb 2020 00:55:10 +0000 This age old question can only be answered one way. Yes, you should be prepping. When I was only seven years old, my mother was canning from the garden and putting food in the cabinets for any unknown situation that may occur. I mean, everyone is secure in their jobs until they lose it. I started prepping in 2012 and am going pretty good at it. When I lost my job is 2016, the food I had and some necessities I needed came in handy at that time. Although I hated digging into my preps I’m glad they were there. The question is, What are you preparing for? Everyone should be preparing for an emergency such as a natural disaster at minimum.

Sept. 2017

What are we preparing for? What Should I Prepare For?

When it comes to prepping, the best thing you can do is keep it simple. There is one thing about prepping everyone should know before they even get started and that is that prepping can become a rabbit hole real quick if you let it.

To break this down in simple steps to get started preparing, we will start with a seventy-two hour prep that will help us get prepared for a natural disaster. The most likely thing to happen for in the short term is the power goes out for a few days. Trust me, this has happened locally a couple of winters ago and thing got a little on edge only a coupe days in. One town was without water for several days and that starts to cause a panic real quick.

Getting Started

There are important factors to remember when prepping. It is better to look at prepping as a hobby and things you would like to have in case something catastrophic happens rather than preparing for the end of the world. Once you start down this path as mentioned above, it can get overwhelming and become a rabbit hole if you let it.

Start A Prepping Plan

The first step is to create a prepping plan and know what you are prepping for. There are all sorts of scenarios you could need to prep for, so don’t get overwhelmed by which one you are going to get ready for. A lot of the prepping you will do will cover many other scenarios.

My suggestion is get a back pack or duffel bag. You are going to need something to hold the preps you will need for an emergency. Also think about anyone else in your family, they are all going to need a bag as well.

Prepare A 72 Hour Evacuation Bag

In case of an emergency that would require you to stay put for a few days or evacuate your home and not be able to return for a few days, you may have only enough time to grab the family and your evacuation bag.

Here is a list to help you get started and get you through the outage or until you reach your next location.

Remember, if you do not transfer this bag from your house to car everyday, you will need to keep a bag in your car as well.


Water is the most essential element for survival. Without water, you will not survive for more than 3-4 days.

There are several ways to store water. For an emergency that requires you to stay put for a while, I recommend the water brick. each brick is enough water for one person for three days. The bricks stack nice and net for storage and are convenient for any emergency situation.

In case of an emergency that requires you to get out of the area quickly, it is more practical to pouch water in an emergency bag and even some purification tablets in case more water is needed on the go.

H2O Water Survival Kit - 50 Water Purification Tablets And Six (6) 4.25 Oz. Pouches Of Water


The next essential item on our list is of course food. Although you could go a very long time without food and still survive, it would be hard to maintain the energy you would need being on the go. The normal recommended calorie intake for a normal day with normal activity is 2000 calories. It is recommended to go much higher in a situation that requires much more activity such as walking long distances.

For the emergency scenario that requires you to stay put for a bit, the food buckets are the best way to go. I recommend one of these for each person to sustain them up to 30 days.

120 Serving Fruit Buckets by Wise Company

Once gain for the emergency that may require a road trip or the hiking option, the pouches are definitely the way to get you there. Theses are three servings, but I consider then to be two meals.

Mountain House Rice & Chicken - 3 Servings / Qty 1

For a food ratio on the go for a long distance hike, this bar is high calories and is recommended to get you through between meals or just a snack for when you are stuck in the basement for days and ran out of snickers. They will count for the calories and they are as bland and dry as they look. What you think they taste like is accurate.

Great Tasting, Emergency Food Ration - 3600 Calorie Food Bar By Sos Food Lab

So far we have covered the basics, food and water. The following items are recommended for the emergency travel bag. The bag that you would grab if you had to evacuate your home or just a bag to keep in your car if you got stuck out and needed to walk home for a long distance to make your way home.

First Aid Kit

Don’t cheap out on the first aid kit, the last thing you want if you are out for any period of time is to get a cut that has the possibility to become infected. You health must be sustained to make it to your destination.

Sportsman Grizzly First Aid Kit By Tender Corporation/adventure Medical Kits

The Recommended List Of Items To Complete Your Bug Out/Get Home Bag

Other Items Bug Out/Get Home Bag

  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothpaste/Brush
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Pocket Hand Warmers
  • Wool Blanket
  • Matches/Candles
  • Gloves
  • Radio
  • Rain Poncho

It is important to get a sturdy backpack to hold these items. I recommend a military surplus bag. They are usually still in good shape and are tested for quality and durability.

Stay tuned to this site as we write more articles that will help you get to the more advanced stages of prepping.

Water Storage & Purification With Video Wed, 12 Feb 2020 00:48:33 +0000 This article explains how much water is needed and the steps to take to properly store water for long term storage and survival.

Since water is the most essential element for man’s survival, this should be a priority when it comes to prepping. The number one thing I see when it comes to water and preppers I know is the lack of water being stored.

The average person needs 1 gallon of water per day just to survive and that doesn’t include water needed for hygiene or cooking. In this article I am going to show you practical ways to store and purify water.

Let’s do some math. If a family of four has a power outage that effects the water supply and the outage is expected to be for a month (thirty days), this family would need one-hundred and twenty gallons of water to survive. That doesn’t include what is needed for cooking and flushing the toilet. One gallon per day should suffice for cooking. The average toilet uses one – two gallons of water per flush. If you used one and a half gallons per flush and only flushed when the logs were floating (we want to keep this site clean) and assuming each person went once per day, the water needed would be six gallons minimum per day. This equals three-hundred and thirty gallons for one month. Three thousand nine hundred & sixty gallons for one year.

This is of course assuming the sewer plant is still operational. If not, we will be needing to address a whole other situation which will be covered in a later article.

First make sure it is legal to collect rain water in your state.
State by State Guide

Water Storage

Starting with the most simple storage method that I have utilized is save your soda pop bottles, and any other food grade containers you may acquire. See our water storage tips article for more detailed information.

  • Soda Pop Bottles
  • Fifty-Five Gallon Drums
  • 275 Gallon Totes

Theses are a few ideas I have used and they all work. The quickest way I started storing water was every time I drank a soda pop, I rinsed the bottle and filled it with hot water. As the bottle cooled, it would create a vacuum in the bottle sealing it. I ended up with several hundred bottles of water in a short amount of time. If you are a daily soda pop drinker, you would be surprised at how much you actually drink.

The second idea I got was using milk jugs after they were emptied. It took a little longer, but there was a noticeable accumulation after a while. It also makes it easier to flush those toilets with a gallon.

You can imagine the storage room needed when filling soda pop bottles and milk jugs, which brings me to the next idea I had for storage.

I work on warehouse equipment and am in and out of all sorts of businesses everyday. I came across a food company that ditched their fifty-five gallon food grade barrels that had a cactus juice in them and they let me have several of them to use for storage.

Water Barrel

Now the water storage started getting to the point where I actually felt I was putting a dent in the required water for my preps. However, four of these barrels would store two-hundred and twenty gallons of water, going back to the math that was still not enough to sustain my family for a month.

Now I got to the next step of my water storage plan and purchased a couple two-hundred and seventy-five gallon totes and realized that we had better come up with a better way to resource water or this whole prepping thing is going to end quickly just like our lives.

What’s The Solution?

Ultimately I have put a small pond in my back yard (I live in a subdivision) that will hold up to twelve-hundred gallons of water and along with the totes, milk jugs and the soda pop bottles, I have almost two-thousand gallons of water and have came up with another solution that just may be the answer for me in a long term bug in scenario.

If I need more water than I currently have stored, there is a major catastrophic event taking place and the best bet may be just to stay put.

After long research and coming to the realization that unless you have a bug out location with hundreds of gallons of water purified and stored, you need to come up with an alternative plan to acquire and purify water.

For me, I have one alternative for a long term bug in scenario. I have a sump pump in my basement and was determined to utilize it to my advantage. So I came up with a way to put ground filtered water in those fifty-five gallon drums really fast with a few pieces of PVC and a few ball valves, the prepper ingenuity took over and I would like to think progress was made. (Pics Coming Soon)

Other Water Storage Info

There are many ways to store the water you collect. Let’s go through a quick list of topics discussed with fellow preppers and list a few options.

When storing water barrels on concrete there could be a reaction that causes the water to become contaminated over time.
I’m not sure this is true, However, to be safe than sorry I put my barrels on a sheet of plywood and the worry is gone.
Another option is a skid or pallet. I actually acquired a plastic pallet and that could go to good use.

I do have the two-hundred & Seventy-five gallon totes stored outside. The reason is I do not have a walk out basement and they will not fit through the door.

I realize by doing this I take the risk of contamination and that is why I store purification tablets just for this purpose. It is no different than getting water from the pond. Unless there is radiation fro nuclear fallout, I should be okay boiling the water and using the tablets. Or just simply using the filtration methods discussed in this article.

Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets 50 Tablet Bottle By Liberty Mountain

Other Options

The other options I had in my area was to locate other areas in my neighborhood with ponds, creeks and swimming pools. This may be the only option for some, just be aware of the risks that come with these options. Imagine trying to sneak into someone back yard to get to a pond or a swimming pool. There will be people or other preppers willing to defend their property. If you can get to a local creek, that may be the best bet. Also the other risk is contamination, so be aware of the current situation and any chemical plants in the area.

Water Pumps & Filtration

Water Pumps

I purchased a pump to retrieve water from a pond or creek and the volume was just not high enough for a quick retrieval, so I ended up building a pump out of PVC and it does a much better job.

Homemade Hand Pump

I made this pump to get the quickest results without electric. It is light weight and very durable. I still need to make one more check valve for the other side.

This is a great little pump I keep in my bag.

Water Filtration

Below are a few items to keep on hand and in a bug out bag for water filtration on the move.

Base Camp Pro Water Filter 10L By Katadyn

Just fill, hang, and drink! With the Katadyn Base Camp Pro 10L, you always have clean drinking water – and you won’t have to pump a stroke. At the heart of the Katadyn Base Camp Pro 10L isthe newly developed Ultra FlowTM Filter Element. With its flow rate of up to 2 liters per minute, you can reliably filter bacteria, cysts and sediment.

Personal Water Filter By Lifestraw

The LifeStraw Personal Water Filter is one of the best water filters for anyone who wants to transform dirty water into pure water in seconds. It’s perfect for a bug out bag or a survival kit because it’s lightweight, powerful and an affordable form of water treatment. Maybe that’s why Time Magazine named the LifeStraw Water Filter “Invention of the Year” over other water filters. This compact emergency water treatment solution has been used in the field since 2005 making it one of the single most useful pieces of survival gear you could add to a survival kit, or for general outdoor use. 

Hiker Pro Water Filter By Katadyn

With the ability to provide you with 1 quart of water a minute, it’s just as fast as it is powerful. No waiting on clean water.
Not to mention it features a bottle adapter that will attach to most bottles for spill free filtering.
If you have yet to pick up any kind of water filtration technology, then you might want to look at the Hiker Pro as your best option.
It’s lightweight, affordable, and it’s without a doubt one of the most dependable filters you could use in a disaster situation.

How To Store Water With A Few Important Tips Wed, 12 Feb 2020 00:32:37 +0000 Storing in plastic containers

The primary factor to be looking for when storing water is to verify that the container is a food grade container.

Be aware that there are several different grades of food grade plastics. To tell which grade plastic you have simply look for the recycling symbol on the container. The number will be with a 1, 2, 4, & 5. #2 being the best.

  • #1 PET/PETE Polyethylene Terephthalate
  • #2 High-density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • #4 LDPE Low-Density Polyethylene
  • #5 Polypropylene
  • Note: Some food grade containers will have a #7, but unless you know it was meant for food do not trust it.

Be careful which containers you reuse for water storage, milk and juice containers may be difficult to get all of the contents out of the container especially for milk and juice and could cause problems for the long term. I have personally stored water in soda pop bottles and have not had a problem. I drank the water after six years in a plastic soda pop bottle and stored in my basement in a black plastic garbage bag. I store all of my water in a dark cool place where sunlight never reaches it.

Note: If you are collecting water from an asphalt shingle roof, you should collect some water, run it through a water filter and have it tested. Certain roofs man contain chemicals or bird feces, so make sure you are keeping your family safe.

For startup prepping it is easier for most people to start with a small stackable container like the one listed below.

Storing In Glass Containers

Glass was the choice of containers back when I was a kid. Everything was purchased is glass containers. I don’t see anything wrong with storing in glass as far as contamination. The major downfall is that it has a high risk of breaking, especially when full. So if you had to bug out, glass is not the ideal choice for storage. If you had a lot of spare jars, I would say use them in your fallout shelter or bug out location.

Glass Jar

Storing In Metal Containers

There is only one metal container that I would recommend for long term water storage and that is stainless steel. If you were to store large amounts of water in a bug out location or in a fallout shelter, stainless steel is costly, but it seems it would be the the most durable and long lasting solution for water storage.

Allentian Stainless Steel Water Can 5 Gallon 20 L Portable-Drinking Water Storage for Camping

Preserving Your Water For Long Term Storage

The quickest and easiest way to preserve water is right now while the water is still running. Tap water is already treated and ready to drink. Get your barrels and fill them, seal them and and you are good for at least six months. This depends on the storage location. Is there light making contact with the containers? The biggest threat to water is the sunlight causing growth and contaminating the water. I usually make it a point to switch out the water every six months just to be safe, but the water I switch out does not seen to be contaminated at that time. So if I don’t get the chance to drain and refill my tanks, I would just run it through a filter. As mentioned earlier, my water never sees sunlight.

Use bottled water or water you have properly prepared and stored as an emergency water supply. If you have water that is clean and has never been treated, you may need to treat it yourself.

  • − Boil water, if you do not have bottled water. Boiling is sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa (WHO, 2015).
  • − If water is cloudy, let it settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter.
  • − Bring water to a rolling boil for at least one minute. At altitudes above 5,000 feet (1,000 meters), boil water for three minutes.
  • − Let water cool naturally and store it in clean containers with covers.
  • − To improve the flat taste of boiled water, add one pinch of salt to each quart or liter of water, or pour the water from one clean container to another several times.
  • − Disinfect water using household bleach, if you can’t boil water. Only use regular, unscented chlorine bleach products that are suitable for disinfection and sanitation as indicated on the label. Do not use scented, color safe, or bleaches with added cleaners.
  • − If water is cloudy, let it settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter.
  • − Locate a clean dropper from your medicine cabinet or emergency supply kit.
  • − Locate a fresh liquid chlorine bleach or liquid chlorine bleach that is stored at room temperatures for less than one year. The label should say that it contains 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite.
  • − Use the table on the next page as a guide to decide the amount of bleach you should add to the water, for example, add 6 drops of bleach to each gallon of water. Double the amount of bleach if the water is cloudy, colored, or very cold.
  • − Stir and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight chlorine odor. If it doesn’t, repeat the dosage and let stand for another 15 minutes before use.
  • − If the chlorine taste is too strong, pour the water from one clean container to another and let it stand for a few hours before use.

Granular Calcium Hypochlorite (Powdered Pool Shock)

The first step is to make a chlorine solution that you will use to disinfect your water. For your safety, do it in a ventilated area and wear eye protection. Add one heaping teaspoon (approximately ¼ ounce) of high-test granular calcium hypochlorite (HTH) to two gallons of water and stir until the particles have dissolved. The mixture will produce a chlorine solution of approximately 500 milligrams per liter.

To disinfect water, add one part of the chlorine solution to each 100 parts of water you are treating. This is about the same as adding 1 pint (16 ounces) of the chlorine solution to 12.5 gallons of water. If the chlorine taste is too strong, pour the water from one clean container to another and let it stand for a few hours before use.

CAUTION: HTH is a very powerful oxidant.
Follow the instructions on the label for safe handling and storage of this chemical.

Disclaimer: If you over treat the water and become sick from the chlorine, we are not responsible. These treatment measurements have worked for us, but we do not guarantee your results. We recommend buying some test strips or having your water tested when trying this method. Contact your local pet shop or pool store.

Look for other sources of water in and around your home

Although bottled water is your best choice, you may be able to find other sources of water by melting ice cubes or draining your hot water tank or pipes. You should not use water from toilet flush tanks or bowls, radiators, waterbeds, swimming pools, or spas.

Storage Areas

As mentioned above, one of the most important steps pertaining to water storage is the place it will be stored. I previously mentioned that my water is never exposed to sunlight. The light will cause growth of micro organisms in the water and contamination begins. Other things to consider are the hazards of the area the water is stored. If there is an earthquake, is the containers likely to be damaged? In case of a fire will the water containers be destroyed?


The final tip about water storage and purification is the amount of water being stored. Will the floor sustain the weight of the water being stored? Will there be a sufficient amount of water for everyone in the shelter area to include hygiene use and cleaning cookware? Storing water barrels outside become a problem if you can’t access them and they can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. These are all important factors to consider when storing water for a long term emergency or natural disaster.
